As I sit here on the front porch, in one ear I hear my amazing kids riding bikes and eating ice cream. In the other ear I can hear the birds chirping, the cat meowing, and the wind whistling in the trees. It's then that I am reminded of how beautiful God's creation is. I am always intrigued by the seasons and the changes that come along with them but perhaps my favorites are spring and fall. The grass is green, the flowers are growing, and the animals are roaming about.
How is it that at one point there was none of this? Then our amazing God decided he would speak and it would happen. I often have trouble getting my husband or kids to listen when I speak and getting them to do tasks is sometimes difficult, but for God speaking the creation to be was as simple as that. He asked one time for there to be day and night and there was. He didn't have to ask anything twice. It just listened. I often wonder what would happen if He would've spoke creation to be in a different order? Why did he choose to do it in the manner that he did? One day I'll be able to ask. Then, he decided to create man. I often wonder why he created man especially knowing that they would disobey him and live a life of sin and he would have to give his son for us. Then I realize that's how amazing our God is. Every thing has it's place and purpose. I'm so thankful that I can bathe in the presence of God and is creation daily. It's the time when God most speaks to me. I just sit quietly and listen. AMAZING.