First off, if you haven't read her book Women Living Well I ENCOURAGE you (for the second time) to pick it up at your local bookstore or get it on Amazon. I read the book in one weekend, and it's simple truth that sometimes we can neglect. You won't be sorry if you read it!
Earlier this month I blogged on how I deleted my Facebook. Why? Because it was affecting my marriage, my family, my being. I just had wool over my eyes and didn't want to admit it. I believe in marriages, that husbands are to be the leaders (both spiritual and physical) and we as wives are suppose to be his helper. So, if something is laid on my husband's heart, then I should be willing to follow his leading. Well, my husband deleted his Facebook in early November and he asked me to join him. I didn't. I was disrespecting his leadership and guidance.
He knew it was affecting us. Over the past year I've spent waaaaay too many hours on there. I would look at other people's marriages and think "man, how did they get so perfect." I would look at the huge ring someones husband bought them "just because" and wonder "why can't my husband do that?" I was beginning to feel discontent.
Then it hit me, the funny thing about Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Blogs is that we can shield the public from the nastiness of our everyday lives. We can showcase a picture of us and our husbands all cuddled up on the couch with a hot cup of coffee all in love, but we don't have to showcase the argument we just had ten minutes ago. We can showcase the lavish things he buys us, but we don't have to show the fact that finances are at an all time low and he really didn't have the money to buy that thing. We can show him playing and goofing off with the kids, but we don't show that moments before he overreacted to a spilled cup of juice.
Another step we made this week is that we've turned off our cable TV. Why? Because it's ugly. It was a conviction we felt and answered it. If you watch the news in our area it's thirty minutes of defeat. Thirty minutes where people have let the devil take priority in their lives. It's heart-breaking and leaves you empty. Kids TV is even ridiculous. I blocked more shows on our networks that our children were not allowed to watch than ones they actually could. Why? Because of the fighting, the sassy-ness, the disrespect to each other and adults. Even "family-friendly" sometimes isn't so family orieneted or friendly for that matter. Last year alone there were multiple TV shows that praised divorce and adulteress men and women. Y'all that's as far from truth as we can get. Yet, we DIG into it.
Media has had a negative role on our marriage, and we've begin to take the appropriate steps (for us) to fix it. I'm not saying that our marriage was falling apart or anywhere close, but we just want to invest that time that we were spending on various media outlets into each other, into our children, but most importantly into our time with God.
"In the world of reality television and reality blogging, we can miss the reality of God's truth. The reality is we are sinners who married sinners, and that really makes marriage hard. In the world of images, the image of biblical marriage has been severely distorted. Together, let's make Scripture a springboard for our actions and reactions in marriages." - Courtney Joseph, Women Living Well.
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