Friday, January 17, 2014

Soccer Mom.

Sooooo true! As of this Saturday I will begin with all these. Lol loooove it though.

The time is here for registration for Spring Soccer. Saturday is actually the last day to sign-up. Our sweet son LOVES to play soccer, and he has been bugging me since Fall season ended if it was time for registration for the Spring. I kept telling him, "Soon." but never actually looked up the date! Well, I looked last night and aaahhh it's a good thing I did or I would have had one disappointed little boy and that's not good. 

I adore watching my child play soccer. Though he is only six I'm the mom that comes out of her seat when he is kicking the ball to the other teams goal, instead of his own and everyone is like "look at the crazy mom." I'm the mom that yells when they forget they are playing soccer and decide it's a game of chase, again I'm the crazy mom

However, I really dislike Spring seasons. (shh, don't tell him that) It gets dark before practice is even over, and game days are either freezing or raining. You have to take bed linens to stay warm and the water bottles are too cold to the kids hands to drink during breaks, but if you give them hot cocoa they will surely barf in the field. It's nonsense I tell you. 

But for this kid, I'll do anything! 

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