Monday, February 27, 2012

Church for Sale.

Right down the road from our house is a church with a sign in the yard that says, "For Sale." I drive by it often and every time I wonder why is it for sale? Is it because the pastor doesn't preach right? The people don't like each other? The lack of money? Maybe they moved to a bigger building because the church is very small? All these questions run through my  head and I wonder about the people that aren't being reached because that church isn't there anymore. Then I remember, WE are the church not the BUILDING. The building is a place to come for spiritual maturity and to encourage our fellow believers, but ultimately it's what we do after we have come together that matters. Our duty is to follow out the Great Commission and save a dying world. To be the hands, feet, and mouth of Jesus. Buildings come and go, but the heart of the church remains.