Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day.

Yesterday was a great Mother's Day for me. My hubby and kids spoiled me rotten! I got woken up to bagels with strawberry cream cheese and fresh strawberries on top with some roses from the bush outback. As I was getting ready I heard two very anxious little children giggling and all of a sudden they greeted me at the bathroom with some cards they signed. For lunch we had Mexican- my favorite. Then for dinner it was homemade chicken and dumpling and homemade pot pie from Kay and Drew with the help of my mom. I am so privileged to be a mom to my two beautiful children. I couldn't ask God for more perfect kids. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Creation is simply amazing.

As I sit here on the front porch, in one ear I hear my amazing kids riding bikes and eating ice cream. In the other ear I can hear the birds chirping, the cat meowing, and the wind whistling in the trees. It's then that I am reminded of how beautiful God's creation is. I am always intrigued by the seasons and the changes that come along with them but perhaps my favorites are spring and fall. The grass is green, the flowers are growing, and the animals are roaming about. 

How is it that at one point there was none of this? Then our amazing God decided he would speak and it would happen. I often have trouble getting my husband or kids to listen when I speak and getting them to do tasks is sometimes difficult, but for God speaking the creation to be was as simple as that. He asked one time for there to be day and night and there was. He didn't have to ask anything twice. It just listened. I often wonder what would happen if He would've spoke creation to be in a different order? Why did he choose to do it in the manner that he did? One day I'll be able to ask. Then, he decided to create man. I often wonder why he created man especially knowing that they would disobey him and live a life of sin and he would have to give his son for us. Then I realize that's how amazing our God is. Every thing has it's place and purpose. I'm so thankful that I can bathe in the presence of God and is creation daily. It's the time when God most speaks to me. I just sit quietly and listen. AMAZING. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Insights of a three-year-old

Andrew has shared some much needed knowledge over the past week. 

Insight #1:
Andy: Angel, what did you do to the bathroom?
Andrew: Daddy, the bathroom is still there. You can't move it.

Insight #2:
Andrew: Mommy, Mawmaw needs to stop smoking, it's bad.
Me: Yes, Andrew you are right. Smoking is bad.
Andrew: Yup. Her lungs will look like the inside of a fireplace if she doesn't stop.

Insight #3:
Andy: Andrew, you know you are eating pig, right? (bacon)
Andrew: Well, I looove pig. 
(A few minutes later he goes to poop.)
Andrew: Mommy, help! I just pooped pig!!! 

Oh the joys of motherhood!!! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Train up a child in the way he should go ...

Earlier this month we went to register Kayliegh for school. It was a bitter-sweet moment. It's hard to believe she is old enough to start Kindergarten. She is so excited. Her face lit up with joy as we walked through the halls of the school. I've been going over in my head how I will feel the first day I drop her off.

Tonight I was talking to a neighbor and she informed me about all the moral issues that our children face today (which don't get me wrong, I'm completely aware of this) and about how the school system isn't helping the moral upbringing of our kids. I want my children to know that it is okay to speak the name of Jesus, it's okay to pray for your lunch in front of other students, and it is okay to say "in God we trust" or "one nation under God." Besides, it's because of God that we even merely exist. The Bible says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." I want my children's #1 goal in life is to love Jesus with all their heart, soul, and mind, and I'm hoping that even at their young ages I am instilling that in them. Then, I realize, my child is going to be going to a public school soon and how much harder will that be when the "world" is contradicting what I try to teach her. When the world is against Jesus and peers will be questioning what she believes and why she believes it. When peers will tell her there isn't a Jesus and speak of someone different, like Budda. Or when peers talk about the Koran instead of the Bible. How in the world am I going to keep her on the path of righteousness. The more I think about sending her to school the more I'm scared.

So, over the next few months I am going to be eagerly seeking God's guidance on the situation. Private schools is out of the question with our limited income, so at this time the only other option is homeschooling - which is a process I don't even know where to begin. I know I can't take her out of the world and it's wickedness, but I want to do my best to preserve her little heart and her love of Jesus for as long as I can.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Two thoughts.

Lately I've been thinking about a few things. The first thing that's been on my mind is the fact that my grandma was the one who invested her time in me and took me to church. She is the one who introduced me to Jesus and took time to make sure that I knew that He loved me and died for me. I wonder if she wouldn't have taken the time to invest in me the love of Jesus would I have eventually picked up a Bible or walked into a church building? Would someone else come along and teach me about Jesus and grace, and if so who? I would love to think that at some point without the guidance that I would have chosen Jesus on my own. I would have chosen at some point in my life to pick up a Bible and read about his grace and goodness, but how can I be for sure. I'm extremely thankful for my grandma and those who helped her instill in me that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I hope to instill that into my kids. I hope one day they can say that mommy and daddy introduced them to Jesus at an early age and I want them to be forever thankful. 

The second thing I've been thinking about is God's calling on one's life. Looking back in the Bible, God has called a lot of people out of their comfort zones and into a world that was uncertain. They chose to obey and listen. If they wouldn't have followed God, then who would? When I think about God's calling I've always thought that it should be a "radical" movement or change. That one should leave everything they know and go to an uncertain place or do something they normally wouldn't do. A few weeks ago I was reminded that God simply calls us to save a dying world. For some, it may be dramatic. Some may be asked to leave their comfort zones, but for some it's simply starting where they are. Saving their families, their neighborhoods, their cities, and states. It's simply taking the chance at every given moment to tell someone about the grace of God. To save a dying, dark world.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.

Friday, March 11, 2011


So. Lent is officially among us. As I pondered what I should give up, I decided Facebook would be the right choice. It consumes a lot of my time. It has only been three days, and it has already been a struggle. As I was riding in the car tonight I had KLOVE blasting and it all came a little more clear to me. I heard Casting Crowns song "Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)," which I am sure I have heard 1,000 times simply because my radio is always on Christian music, and it made perfectly good sense as to why I should give up something, even if it is something so simple. 

One day when Heaven was filled with His praises 
One day when sin was as black as could be 
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin 
Dwelt among men, my example is He 
Word became flesh and the light shined among us 
His glory revealed 

Living, He loved me 
Dying, He saved me 
Buried, He carried my sins far away 
Rising, He justified freely forever 
One day He’s coming 
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day 

One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain 
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree 
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected 
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He 
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree 
And took the nails for me 

One day the grave could conceal Him no longer 
One day the stone rolled away from the door 
Then He arose, over death He had conquered 
Now He’s ascended, my Lord evermore 
Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him 
From rising again 

One day the trumpet will sound for His coming 
One day the skies with His glories will shine 
Wonderful day, my Beloved One, bringing 
My Savior, Jesus, is mine 

Oh, glorious day

You know Christ was born, lived, and died for ME! (and YOU)  Not only did He die, He died a painful, unruly death. A death that wasn't even deserved, yet he did it anyway. He bore all my guilt and shame even before I was thought of, and I'm forever thankful. Then in shame, I wonder why it's such a hard task to give up something for Him, especially since He gave it all for me. Why is it so hard for me to be obedient and simply do what He ask. To take the time to simply be consumed by Him and to mature my relationship with Him. I hope that this period of Lent will bring me the closest to Christ that I've ever been, and I know that will happen. I know that giving up Facebook with a challenge, but I know that with Christ on my side all things are possible.